Hi-tech driven agriculture
With less and less lands every year and ever-rising world
population, conventional farming methods won't work
anymore to feed the planet.
Farm smarter. Carefully use resources, effectively collect
and analyse data.
Control livestock location
Track the location of cattle, horses and other animals in real time. Set geofences and get instant alerts if the animals are out of range. Receive early warnings in case of theft.
Recover lost equipment
Know exactly where your equipment is if it gets lost or stolen. Check the data for any periods in the past or use a time machine to reconstruct the events and locations.
Benefit with self-driving
Introduce efficient cost-saving driverless tractors and keep a digital eye on any operations. Receive urgent notifications if it gets off track and check data in real time.
Embrace precision farming
Allow decisions to be made per square meter or even per plant rather than for a field. Use precise location to enable the most efficient technologies and get a good harvest.
Manage the field remotely
Provide forefront solutions using accurate GPS location and alerts. Equip GPS hardware with any vital sensors and manage them directly on the platform.
Deploy drones and additional
Use drones not only for mapping and surveys but also to deliver fertilizers and pesticides. Stay fully aware of any movement of the expensive equipment.
Monitor climate conditions
Employ weather stations to accumulate data from various sensors and predict possible crop diseases. Receive alerts to take timely measures and protect the harvest.
Big data, big analysis
Intergrate the GPS tracking and telematics platform with other apps through REST API for data collection and analysis. Keep all metrics in one digital place.
Keep products fresh and safe
Deliver products fresh from the farm and guaranty their quality and freshness. Keep track of temperature and humidity inside the truck. Enjoy smooth and accident-free driving.

How telematics helps fight elevator theft
and accurately measure grain stock
Discover full potential of GPS asset tracking
Experience state-of-the-art GPS tracking.
Detect incompliances on the spot
Protect your assets and boost productivity.
Provide smart and cost-effective GPS tracking service.
Stand out from competitors and impress your
customers. Scale up your business with us.