
Oil and Gas

In mining and drilling inexact positioning, lost or
malfunctioning equipment and delayed response to alerts
can convert to millions of dollars.

Provide precise locations and comprehensive visibility.
Cut costs and minimize loses.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Pin accurate location

Upstream objects are often located in remote areas. Precisely pinned location will be crucial for equipment deliveries and surveying potential drilling sites.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Save on equipment downtime

Minimize non-productive time (NPT) with condition-based maintenance. Enable maintenance scheduled by engine hours and receive prompt reminders.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Gain visibility into operations

Enable data monitoring right on screen without leaving the office or sending people to production sites. Stay aware of any locations, work statuses and equipment utilization.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Analyse data in real time

Analyse internal operations and their impact on investments in real time. Impose corrective measures to reach the efficiency and productivity as planned.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Add your own layouts

Oil and gas premises are often kept in confidence without detailed maps of the site. Upload proprietary layouts to provide amplified visibility.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Prevent disasters

Respond to emergency situations with no time wasted. Introduce a panic button to protect personnel and equipment operating in remote areas.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Connect wells and facilities

Put all on-shore and off-shore facilities (movable and stationary assets) on the same map. Check data from other oil fields and implement it for higher efficiency.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Protect expensive equipment

Keep an eye on expensive assets even if located far away. Prevent unauthorized use of equipment. Receive early warnings in case of theft of loss.

Asset Tracking with Telematics for Oil and Gas Industry

Monitor conditions

Connect multiple sensors to get a whole picture. Receive notifications for drastic and sudden changes. Easily export these metrics to third-party solutions.

Discover full potential of GPS asset tracking

Experience state-of-the-art GPS tracking.
Detect incompliances on the spot
Protect your assets and boost productivity.

Provide smart and cost-effective GPS tracking service.
Stand out from competitors and impress your
customers. Scale up your business with us.