Every year mobile workforce management is getting more popular with customers as more professions and companies go deskless. However, quite often the lack of supervision outside the office causes poor discipline, data latency, and, potentially, customer dissatisfaction. This makes field service management solutions absolutely critical.
At first it was all about location monitoring. Now field service management is focused on efficiency: agile order management, field processes automation, digital workflow, instant communication. Mobile workforce management services should keep up with these state-of-the-art requirements. Let’s see if your solution fits the criteria.
1. Spot-on performance evaluation
Merchandisers and sales reps are entrusted with an important job: above all, make regular customer visits. Though the main goal would be to close a deal, there are important business benefits too: establishing trust, gaining better understanding of the company and market, and promoting the brand. Some sales reps, however, opt to replace virtual meetings with emails and phone calls: the sale is made, the time is saved. But the perks for growth and development are lost.
That’s when a Field Service Management solution should step in. Help managers participate: let them check employees’ whereabouts, visit metrics and pictures of the results or encountered problems. A Check-in Button covers all of these aspects. The feature was designed to enable field employees to share their location, add insightful comments and pictures, even for unexpected visits and additional tasks. Now the feature allows to take as many as 9 photos for a more detailed review. Supervisors will see the data in real time or generate a report for any past check-ins.

2. Smart Task dispatching
Well-organized teamwork is a two-way street. To provide fast and accurate customer service, a mobile employee should be efficiently managed by the office team. Start with a working status: it allows managers to see where every employee is and what the staff is busy with – no time wasted.
When adding new tasks, Navixy offers an automatic search of the closest available employee. This feature will be an absolute life-saver for EMS, service engineers, couriers and drivers where every minute counts. Whenever a manager assigns a new task, the details, including accurate address and available attachments, will be forwarded to the mobile worker’s smartphone.

Besides, if the process is repeatable, it should be automated. Enable companies to optimize routine tasks with Recurring routes feature. It is one of the latest addition to our Field Service toolkit, make sure you’ve implemented it into your solution.
All in all, this transparent approach allows field and office teams always stay in the loop without unnecessary phone calls and time-consuming operations. Visualize and digitalize the process – that’s what customers need.
3. Full-featured data collection
Great discipline is not everything: for instance, when a field tech shows up for the task, it doesn’t guarantee a great service yet. Besides, If something is wrong, the manager will learn about it a little bit too late.
Help companies capture important data, photos and customer satisfaction in real time with a single tool – Mobile forms. Empower managers to create any fields they might need, to get the form filled in with before/after pictures, contracts, customer signatures and ratings.

If the sales rep or a tech is authorized to take orders, provide this option with mobile forms too. The order details will be confirmed by the client’s signature and transferred to the office without delay or distortion.
4. Instant Communication
Your field service management system, no matter how robust and smart it is, won’t be complete without a two-way chat. Sure, a messenger won’t surprise the executives, but a comprehensive all-in-one solution will.

Provide field and office team with an in-app chat that can be used without exiting the service. No need to search through different messengers or apps. Besides, with an in-app chat a mobile employee will always know that the expert assistance is just a tap away. Any clarifying questions will be asked and answered faster for higher customer satisfaction.
5. Don’t make clients call the manager
Empower your customers to share courier’s or other employee’s location with their clients the easy way: simply by activating the right plugin. In Navixy this extension is provided for free, just ask your personal manager for guidance.
The Courier on the map plug-in enables to share the whereabouts and ETAs upon entering the order ID. Not only is this convenient, it is automatic. Needless to say, your customers will recognize all future benefits of this tool.
Today Navixy operates in over 130 countries and all over the globe businesses operating field teams face the same problems. Good thing is that you can offer your service to any verticals and markets. But this requires even a basic mobile workforce management solution to enable field supervision, seamless task management, instant data collection, smart communication between office, field employees and their clients – all at once.
Providing the comprehensive service with Navixy will be a piece of cake. Reach us via email or social networks to get more details. If you’re also looking for advanced features, third-party integrations, etc., we’ll be more than happy to help.