November 2021
Introduced two new languages making Navixy platform speak 33 world languages. Added more features to the new Tracking and continued with GPS hardware integration: a total of 1307 devices sup...
Introduced two new languages making Navixy platform speak 33 world languages. Added more features to the new Tracking and continued with GPS hardware integration: a total of 1307 devices sup...
Introduced a nautical measurement system and added more improvements to Tracking and reports. Amplified Developers hub with backend API key and new how-to articles. Continued with GPS tracke...
Introduced new alerts and made Tracking even more informative. Improved usability and API and integrated new GPS trackers. A total of 1288 devices are supported.…
Added an Employee ID column for Reports on all events. Extended API features and continued with devices integration: a total of 1282 devices are supported.…
Added idling time count by the end of the Excessive idling event. Introduced the option of a VPN channel between the server and IoT devices on request. Integrated new devices — a total of 12...
Added more opportunities for the web version, including date and time format setup, 29 new currencies and fractional values in measurement sensors. Extended sub-users rights to enable privat...
Updated new Tracking and added more features for sensors and buttons widget. Introduced geofences and POI importing for Check-in on X-GPS Tracker. Brought more clarity and structure to API c...
Integrated new devices and advanced hardware features. Added Forms to Check-in for iOS users and welcomed more regional requirements to the web version. A total of 1230 devices is supported....
Added a Point report and updated route optimization to include up to 25 addresses at once. The admin panel now features subaccounts, while deleting admin users became more errorproof. Integr...