
Software features

Navixy speaks German and Ukrainian

Two new localizations have been added to Navixy. Now Navixy supports German and Ukrainian languages. Thanks to our contributors – customers from all parts of the world, users can enjoy their...

Navixy Tracker app for iOS: version 2.3

New version of our popular tracking app has been released and available to download in the App Store. In version 2.3 you'll find major improvements concerning background mode, WiFi/GSM locat...

NAVIXY Viewer for iOS updated

New update for NAVIXY iOS Viewer (v 1.2) released in the App Store. With this free app users can easily locate and track their assets on iPad and iPhone, wherever they are.…

What's new: January, 16th report

Finally the longest Seasons holidays have finished and all our team are back to work! The first working week of 2015 has been marked with numerous improvements and bug fixes.…

Brand new "Tasks" app released

The new component in NAVIXY Server called "Tasks" lets users to manage their mobile workforce in the most efficient way. It is based on GPS location of the employees and tasks lists, assigne...

Video Telematics NEW
Video Telematics NEW
Review incidents
Determine liability
Coach drivers
Learn more >