We continue with how-to videos to exhibit popular features and show the true colors of their usage on the platform. Today we will remotely block a vehicle engine and it will take us but a few seconds.
The remote ignition blocking is usually used preventively. A user (fleet operator, manager or a vehicle owner) disables the ignition in the web or mobile applications to make sure the vehicle won’t start until unblocked again. No need to get under the hood or apply security codes that can get lost or fall into the wrong hands. Provide both blocking and unblocking in a couple of easy steps.
The feature proves its worth even if the worst has happened and the car got stolen. Enabling remote ignition blocking won’t immediately shut down the engine for safety reasons. Instead, the vehicle won’t start again after a complete stop. While remote ignition block immobilizes the asset, GPS monitoring will pin its exact location even in underground garages. Recovering the vehicle will take much less time. For the same reason, some insurance companies offer lower rates for the fleets equipped with engine immobilizers.
Provide your customers with total control over their vehicles even in the worst-case scenarios. If you’d like to learn more about the remote engine cut-off, please reach us at sales@navixy.com. We'll continue showcasing fleet management solutions in our short videos, so don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel and social media.