Location and tracking
Xirgo XT2150C is embedded with GPS and doesn’t have support of GLONASS and alternative systems. It either doesn’t support Assisted GPS (A-GPS) technology.
Xirgo XT2150C has an optional external GPS connector for instances where higher GPS sensitivity is required. With it’s compact design, Xirgo XT2150C can be covertly installed in tight locations.
Xirgo XT2150C provides two all-purpose digital inputs and one internal analog input used to monitor battery voltage. In addition to multiple inputs, Xirgo XT2150C provides a digital output that can drive ignition relays.
Mobile networks
With the support of CDMA and dual band 800/1900 networks, Xirgo XT2150C is the ideal choice to be used with CDMA networks.
Xirgo XT2150C has following features:
- LED status indicators for GPS lock and network registration
- Over-the-air firmware upgrade
- Supports TCP, UDP, and FTP
- Integrated GPS engine and antenna
- Supports SMS connectivity
Power supply
External power supply might be 10-16V, which makes possible to use Xirgo XT2150C with all car models.
Local and remote management
With its highly mature firmware, Xirgo XT2150C supports TCP, UDP, FTP and is capable of firmware update and configuration over-the-air.
In case you are not able to configure device over the air, manual management over SMS-commands and configuration software is also available.