
Galileosky 7x C

Thanks to Easy Logic technology and CAN Scanner Galileosky 7x C carries out all the tasks for vehicle monitoring. Now you can find data in CAN bus of any vehicle. Control fleets, reduce fuel and maintenance costs and prevent mistakes before they happen. Moreover, Galileosky 7x C main advantage is the ability to connect a large number of additional devices and sensors. It allows to use the tracker in the most outstanding projects. Available in built-in or external GPS and GSM antennas. Galileosky 7x C is integrated with many devices to create the representative monitoring picture. The tracker provides 10 inputs and 4 outputs. It allows to transfer current data parameters of special equipment, the number of passengers and so on - there are enough inputs for everything.

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Server connection

EU (
US (
Server port47773
Auto registrationYes

General information

Weight150 g (5.29 oz.)

Connectivity information

Network signal levelYes
Network operator IDYes

Location information

GNSS signal levelYes
Forced GNSS location update over GPRSYes


Remote outputs controlYes
Motion sensorYes
Hardware keyYes


Discrete inputs8
Number of outputs4
Analog sensorYes
Impulse counterYes
Frequency sensorYes
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