
Galileosky 7x LTE

Galileosky 7x LTE with external antennas combines the advanced GPS/GLONASS monitoring technology, Easy Logic and CAN Scanner, as well as the application for drivers Exigner Driver App. Moreover, the new device allows to work with two CAN-buses at the same time. The new feature allows to transmit data from sensors and devices, not only via RS 485, RS 232, 1-Wire interfaces but also via Bluetooth 5.0. Besides such basic tasks as vehicle monitoring, driving style and fuel consumption control, programmable Galileosky 7x LTE, like each of the 7x devices range performs the most complex tasks of automation and optimization of fleets as well as stationary objects. You can control the central lock, start the car engine, turn on or off the headlights, change the temperature and humidity level automatically. You can even create polygonal geofences and set different speed limits for each. Impressive features are provided by Easy Logic technology.

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Server connection

EU (
US (
Server port47773
Auto registrationYes

General information

Weight150 g (5.29 oz.)

Connectivity information

Network signal levelYes
Network operator IDYes

Location information

GNSS signal levelYes
Forced GNSS location update over GPRSYes


Remote outputs controlYes
Motion sensorYes
Hardware keyYes


Discrete inputs6
Number of outputs4
Analog sensorYes
Impulse counterYes
Frequency sensorYes
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