- Car ACC on/off status;
- Oil checking;
- EPO located for assistance;
Location and tracking
G1C tracking is based on GPS signals only. As the back-up, when no satellites signals are available, it uses Cell ID location (also known as LBS-tracking). With EPO technology, this device can easily achieve extreme fast positioning.
Mobile networks
With Quad-band GSM module G1C can be operated all over the world.
Power supply
Device working current is 9-36V, recommended 12V and 24V. Tracker will damage if the current is
over this range. G1C also features a built-in backup battery. When fully charged it ensures about 0.5 hours of device operation (in normal conditions).
Remote management
GPS tracker GoSafe G1C can be fully controlled over GPRS, including configuration of tracking modes and outputs control. There is also a wide list of SMS commands in a human-friendly format, on which device always replies back. It supports remote APN settings configuration by SMS.
LED indication
G1C has LED indication for GPS and GSM status.