
Meitrack T333

Modern network with stable reliability, is what brings the T333 GPS vehicle tracker. The T333 is Meitrack’s first GPS tracker that can run on 3G network for faster and more stable connections wherever 3G is available. The T333 GPS vehicle tracker has a built in function that will detect if the 3G connection is available and if for some reason its not, then it can switch to the 2G until the signal is back up. This tracker delivers with the many standard features that make all Meitrack GPS trackers stand above the competition which includes the 3G antenna.

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Server connection

EU (
US (
Server port47752
Auto registrationYes

General information

Weight190 g (6.7 oz.)

Connectivity information

Network signal levelYes
Network operator IDYes

Location information

GNSS signal levelYes
Forced GNSS location update over SMSYes


Remote outputs controlYes
Hardware keyYes


Discrete inputs3
Number of outputs2
Analog sensorYes
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