Location and tracking
T622G model is embedded with GPS chip. As the back-up, when no satellites signals are available, it uses Cell ID location (also known as LBS-tracking).
The tracking mode is flexible and can be configured depending on distance, time and angle. The default parameters set by the system are 100m, 60 sec, 30 degrees. When there is no movement, tracker sends data every 180 seconds.
- 3 digital inputs (1 negative trigger, 1 positive trigger, and 1 positive/negative selectable trigger)
- 2 analog detection inputs
- 2 outputs
- 1 RS232 EXT port
- 1 RS232/485 port
- 1 USB port
- 1 CAN bus interface
- 1-Wire interface
Mobile networks
With Quad-band GSM 3G module Meitrack T622G can be operated all over the world.
Power supply
Meitrack T622G uses voltage range 11-36V, which makes possible to install it both on cars and trucks. Device also features a built-in rechargeable backup battery. When fully charged it ensures about 9 hours of device operation (in normal conditions).
Local and remote management
Meitrack devices support management via GPRS. Also, there is a wide list of SMS commands, on which device always replies back. In particular, Server address and port, APN settings can be applied remotely with SMS.
LED Indication
T622G has two status LEDs:
- Status LED: indicates GSM/GPRS mode
- Navigate LED: indicates GPS reception