Supported manufacturer
D-TEG Security which growing up with the mobile CCTV market is always developed and provided B2B vehicle CCTV products at the forefront. To leap into the world No. 1 vehicle CCTV brand, D-TEG makes generous investments and making efforts in 3G/LTE communication IOT product based on the 15 years experience and accumulated skills.
Select GPS tracker model

D-TEG TX1000D is a comapct and comfortable in use GPS tracker. This device has highly sensitive positioning solution for live vehicle tracking and reporting. D-TEG TX1000D also can be connected with an external Panic button.

D-TEG CRX3008 is a powerful GPS device, it has a wide list of ports to connect additional accessories, which can be used for getting detailed information from the vehicle. Also you can connect GPS/GNSS and 3G/4G antennas to the special inputs. D-TEG CRX3008 will allow you to monitor vehicles and their parameters by using all of 8 device inputs, also there is a possibility to connect immobilizer to the device output.
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