
Suntech ST4505

The ST4505 vehicle tracker is a solution for fleet management that needs to monitor the location, speed and other data available on the OBD port of vehicles. It offers plug and play automatic installation, and provides information such as RPM, calculated load value, coolant temperature, fuel system status, vehicle speed, VIN, etc. It supports 4G LTE Cat-M1/NB-IoT with backup 2G. The ST4505 is a low-cost tracking solution that connects to the OBD II diagnostic port, commonly near the driver's lap or under the steering wheel. Once connected to the OBD II port, the ST4505 begins tracking and monitoring diagnostic information about the vehicle.

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Server connection

EU (
US (
Server port47728
Auto registrationYes

General information

Weight71 g (2.5 oz.)
Size74x46x25 mm (2.91x1.81x0.98 in)
Internal antenna (GNSS)Yes
Internal antenna (Connection)Yes

Connectivity information

Network signal levelYes
Network operator IDYes
Cellular network typeCAT M1
Cellular network generation4G, 2G

Location information

GNSS signal levelYes
Forced GNSS location update over GPRSYes
Assisted GPSYes


Motion sensorYes
Hardware keyYes
Built-in batteryYes
Battery capacity350 mAh


Discrete inputs1
CAN/OBDII reader typeYes
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