
Creating an account

The user can create an account right from the Web Interface login page unless this option is not disabled by a service provider.

Creating an account

Creating a login and password

To get started, the user should complete a registration form specifying all the necessary information including a password and an active email address that will be used as a login to access the platform.

  • Login or Email address. Please enter a valid email address.
  • Password. Come up with a strong password.

Note: you must have an active email address to create an account.

Creating an account

Confirming the registration

Once the registration has been completed, the user receives an email with the confirmation link. The confirmation is sent to the specified email address for verification purposes.

Note: unless the user confirms the registration by following up the link, the account will be blocked.

Restoring a forgotten password

In case the user forgot the password, it can be easily recovered with the Forgot Password option on the login page.

Creating an account