
Sensors and buttons

Using the “Sensors and buttons” portlet, you can add new discrete and measurement sensors to the system.

Folded panel contains information about the number of already connected sensors to the selected device. Expand the panel to add or edit a sensor.

The ability to connect sensors, as well as their number may vary depending on the device model, for example, for terminal A2, it is possible to configure the data that will be transmitted via the OBD diagnostic connector.

Adding and editing sensors is carried out using the functional buttons:

Sensors and buttons – add sensor

Sensors and buttons – edit parameters of the selected sensor

Sensors and buttons – delete the selected sensor

Sensors and buttons

Copying sensors

You can copy sensor settings to other trackers of the same model and save time.

  1. Click the button Sensors and buttons
  2. Select the required devices
  3. Click Apply.

Please note that this action will completely overwrite all settings on the selected devices. Make sure to select only the trackers you want.

Sensors and buttons