Many models of the Teltonika FMB series trackers support fuel sensors that connect via Bluetooth. The advantage of such sensors is huge:
- No wires. The tracker and sensor do not need to be connected, making installation of a fuel sensor much easier.
- Independence from the power source. Such sensors are equipped with a built-in battery that will last you several years without recharging.
- Additional information. The sensor also transmits data on temperature, humidity, as well as the charge level of the built-in battery.
Tracker preparation
1. You will need the Teltonika Configurator app, which can be downloaded from the official website.
2. Make sure the device is updated to the latest firmware version.
3. Run the configurator, go to the "System" tab and change the data transfer protocol to Codec 8 Extended.
4. Go to the Bluetooth tab and connect the fuel sensor.
5. On the I/O tab, make sure that the corresponding parameter is enabled.
Sensor setup on the platform
When the tracker is connected to the monitoring system and transmits fuel data, you need to configure the corresponding sensors:
1. Go to Devices and settings -> Sensors and buttons -> Create a new measurement sensor.
2. Select the "BLE: LLS level" input, configure the sensor type and units. If necessary, fill out the calibration table and other settings.
3. If you have several fuel sensors, repeat the steps for the rest by selecting the appropriate inputs.
4. The sensor is configured. Now you can monitor the fuel level in the corresponding widget, as well as generate reports on fuel consumption.