
Connection status

Every device on the platform has its own status, which displays its current connection status to the server. Statuses have color indication and are visible in the list of objects and on the welcome user interface screen. The statuses of devices can be as follows:

Activated devices
Green - Online GPS updated statusConnected visible, GPS coordinates updated.
The tracker is connected to the server and has transmitted the current coordinates and time. Everything is ok, no action is required.
Green&White - Online and GPS outdated

Connected invisible, but GPS coordinates are outdated. The tracker is connected to the server, but has not transmitted the current coordinates for more than 5 minutes.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • 5 minutes have passed after the last GPS coordinates update.
  • Data is being received from the device's memory, so the packet timestamps differ from the current time.
  • The tracker is not sending GPS coordinates in data packets. This can happen due to loss of satellite connection (under a roof, in a tunnel, in an underground parking, etc.), due to GPS signal jamming, or due to firmware failure.
  • The device is in power saving mode or sleep mode. For example, the device is parked and sends the last known coordinates with the time they were received, or it sends heartbeat packets to maintain connection with the server.
  • The tracker transmits data with a time zone that differs from UTC+0. If the tracker has a time zone setting, it should be set to UTC+0.
Red - device is offline

Not connected. The tracker has not sent any data to the platform for the user-specified time in the connection status settings. By default, it is 10 minutes after the last received package.

The tracker may stop sending data for the following reasons:

  • Moved to an area with weak GPRS signal.
  • Entered deep sleep mode. This can be disabled in the device configurator or using SMS commands.
  • Located in a roaming area, but this service is not enabled on its SIM card.
  • The GPRS traffic limit or balance on its SIM card has been exhausted. Check this in the personal account of your mobile operator.
  • If the device has broken connection from the platform on its own.
Устройство заблокировано по тарифному плану

The tracker is blocked due to the tariff plan. During the blocking period, no data from the device is accepted by the platform. Even after unblocking, the data for this period will not become available. Top up your balance in your personal account or contact the support team to unblock.

The device will be automatically unblocked within 15 minutes after the necessary amount for extending the services under the tariff plan has been paid.

Registered, not activated devices
После регистрации или замены данных от устройства не былоThe tracker has not sent data to the platform a long time after registration or replacement. It is mostly the welcome screen's status. It counts all devices with registered, not activated and from blocked status.
Just registeredThe tracker has recently been registered is set when you have just registered the device. It might just take a little bit. This status will always be displayed for unactivated X-GPS Trackers as well.

Прошло больше 5 минут после регистрации

The tracker has been registered, but quite a long time has passed, and the connection is still not established. We recommend referring to the article describing the common causes of activation issues.
Трекер зарегистрирован, но модель не поддерживает автоматическую активациюThe tracker has been registered, but this model does not support automatic activation. You need to configure the device manually using the configurator. If you don't have a configurator, try contacting the manufacturer's support or searching on the official website. The server address and port are indicated in the widgets section.

Status change logic

The sequence of connection statuses is as follows:

Connection status change logic
Connection status change logic

Switching from the "Not connected" status to one of the "Connected" statuses occurs after receiving packets from the device.

  • When the device sends a data packet containing current coordinates and the current time, it receives the "Connected visible" status - green.
  • When the device transmits a data packet that does not contain current coordinates and/or time, it receives the "Connected invisible" status - a green status with a white center. This status indicates that the connection is there, but there is not enough data for reliable GPS tracking.

Switching the status from "Connected" to "Not connected" occurs according to the following logic:

  • When five minutes have passed after the "Connected visible" status was received, but then tracker has not sent new packets with current coordinates - it receives the "Connected invisible" status.
  • When more time than is set in the "Connection status" setting has passed after switching to the "Connected invisible" status . By default, this is 10 minutes.

You can change the "Connection status" setting for each tracker separately in the "Device settings" section.