
Jimi IoT

If the platform sends automatic activation SMS and configuration commands, then you just need to run a standard activation procedure and set the same time zone in the devices and settings tab as you have on the device.

Otherwise, here is the step-by-step instruction to configure your Jimi IoT device.

Device activation

1. Find the IMEI of the device.

2. Run the standard activation procedure in the platform specifying the IMEI, phone number, and correct APN settings (depending on your device's SIM).

3. The platform will send SMS commands to the device with IP address, port, and APN settings for the device activation. If the SMS gateway is not available for your account, send those commands per SMS manually:

  • APN,<apn_name>,<apn>,,,,,,<user>,,<password>,,,,#
  • For EU server: SERVER,0,,47755#
  • For US server (if your account ID starts with 1000): SERVER,0,,47755#

4. Check that device is online several minutes after you send the SMS commands. If the device is not online, check that a SIM card has enough money and gets the SMS. Also, you can check the full list of possible reasons and solutions.

5. There is a fully automated process that doesn’t need any manual configuration. However, below you will find a detailed list of commands that are sent to the device. If you prefer setting up the device manually, you can use it as a reference.

  • COREKITSW,0  - to enable custom servers for video
  • UPLOAD,http://<server>:7514/upload/<IMEI> - to set the server for uploading video
  • FILELIST,http://<server>:7514/filelist/<IMEI> - to set the server where the platform can gain a list of videos
  • RSERVICE, - to set the server for a live stream
  • TIMER,ON,60 - to set data sending time interval
  • ANGLEREP,ON,10 - to set angle for data sending
  • SOSALM,ON,0 - to set SOS alarm
  • UPLOADSW,SOS,ON - to activate sending videos on specific events to the platform
  • SERVER,0,<server>,47755# - to reboot and apply settings

Where <server> IP address

  • For EU server:
  • For US server:

<IMEI> should be your device's IMEI.

6. Check the device's timezone is same on device and in the devices and settings tab. Change it, if necessary.

Firmware update

Check firmware version sending the command:


The most stable versions from the manufacturer are:

[VERSION]JC400_WABA_STD_V4.3.5_220830.2208 - for JC400

[VERSION]JC400D_WAVA_DMS_V4.2.13_210716.2013_BUILD_2021-07-16 - for JC400D with DMS alerts.

To update the firmware:

  1. Download and copy the to the device SD card (don't unpack file).
  2. Insert it in the device and start it
  3. The device update the firmware automatically

After firmware reinstallation, your device will get factory settings. Resend configuration again.

Minimize data consumption

To minimize traffic consumption, you can decrease video quality:

  • Decrease a video quality you write to the SD card (event video) with command: CAMERA,<A>,<B>
    • <A> - IN/OUT
    • <B> = 0/1/2/3
      • When OUT, 0 = 1080P 8Mb/minute; 1 is 720P 4Mb/minute; 2 is 720*480 2Mb/minute; 3 is 640*360 0.5Mb/minute
      • When IN, 0 is 720P 6Mb/minute; 1 is 720P 3Mb/minute; 2 is 720*480 2Mb/minute; 3 is 640*360 0.5Mb/minute
  • Disable uploading videos for unneeded alert with command UPLOADSW,<A>,<B>

    • <A> = Event type (input the event code of an event type)
      <B> = ON/OFF/1/2

      • When ON is uploading both front and inner camera video
      • OFF to not upload video
      • 1 is upload front camera video
      • 2 is upload inner camera video
  • Don't leave the live stream running. Close the video window if you don't use it.

Event types:

  • SOS

Video on input triggering

You can configure your device on inputs triggering. The next command will help you with it:



  • A = 0/1/2;
    defines the trigger condition, 0 - disable the function, 1 - take close as a trigger, 2 - take open as a trigger;
  • B = 0/1/2;
    defines ACC state, 0 - detecting in any state, 1 - detecting only in ACC ON, 2- detecting only in ACC OFF;
  • C = 1-3600;
    defines the Detection interval in seconds. Interval between 2 detections;
  • D = 1-120;
    it defines the speed condition by GPS speed, 0 is unlimited;
  • E = 1/2;
    it defines the Action after trigger, 1 - short video, 2 - photo;
  • F = 0/1/2;
    it defines the whether to broadcast voice after trigger, 0 is no broadcast, means door sensor detection without voice prompt, 1 is seat belt version, 2 is door sensor detection version;

Recommended command is UART,1,0,60,0,1,0